Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Week 0: 217.5 Pounds

There are a great number of mysteries in this world. What happened to Amelia Earhart? Why do travelers disappear around/near the Bermuda Triangle? Who shot Kennedy? Why does one of every pair of socks always disappear somewhere between the washer and the dryer?

But none is so great as the one I now put before you: How does a woman give birth to a baby girl weighing 9 pounds and 2 ounces and come home from the hospital having lost only 5.5 pounds?

I'm not entirely sure that such a mystery could ever possibly be solved.

I went in labor on Tuesday, the night before I was scheduled to be induced. At 10:37 on Wednesday morning I welcomed my little Sweet Pea into the world. Labor was both rough and easy. Same with recovery.

I'm beyond in love with her. I'm also beyond overwhelmed with trying to be a good mother both to her and to my little Niblet. I'm wondering how, when, and if I'll ever have a spare moment again, let alone how, when and if I'll ever be able to keep my house clean, teach my children how to be good people, sleep, or shower.

But I'm thrilled. I'm over the moon. My family is whole and perfect.

I am, of course, spending my time focusing on my family, my health, and rest and healing. But I haven't forgotten my goal. In fact, it is still very much on my mind.

On Monday morning I weighed in at 217.5 pounds. I will consider this number my Official Starting Weight. My goal weight is 140 pounds. I have 77.5 pounds to lose.

I can do this.

I will do this.

One day at a time. One meal at a time. One glass of water at a time. One walk with the dogs or romp at the park with the kids at a time.

I will do this.

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