Monday, September 17, 2012

Week 8: 196.5 and Week 9: 198.5

Week 8 Stats:

Starting Weight/BMI: 217.5/33.1 (obese)
Last Week Weight/BMI: 198.5/30.2 (obese)
Current Weight/BMI: 196.0/29.8 (overweight)
Change This Week: -2.5
Total Lost: 21.5
Pounds to Goal: 56.0

Week 9 Stats:

Starting Weight/BMI: 217.5/33.1 (obese)
Last Week Weight/BMI: 196.0/29.8 (overweight)
Current Weight/BMI: 198.5/30.2 (obese)
Change This Week: + 2.5
Total Lost: 19.0
Pounds to Goal: 58.5

Trial last week was horribly stressful and exhausting. I needed to focus on work, and focus I did. Everything, diet, hygiene...had to fall by the wayside.

As a result, I've lost my "cushion" between where I need to be to meet my goal by April 9 and where I was. Here's my chart from MyNetDiary:

My goal this week?

Get below that damn dotted line. Even if it is only by a half a pound.

My goals today?

1. Count calories and stay below 1800 net.
2. Drink 80 ounces of water.
3. Go for a walk at lunch time.
4. Eat a crap ton of fruits and vegetables.
5. Don't get discouraged by lack of progress. Just. Keep. Going.

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