Monday, June 25, 2012

Week 37: 221.5 Pounds

I gained exactly 0 pounds this week! This must be some sort of record! Here I am, 37 weeks along, desperate for this little kiddo to come along:

I'm getting excited about her arrival, terrified about the labor, delivery, and aftermath, anxious about my lack of preparation for her arrival, worried about how my 2.5 year old boy (Nugget) will accept (or reject?) her presence... Essentially, I'm one big ball of nerves and emotion.

That doesn't mean, however, that a great deal of my daydream time isn't spent planning to reach my physical goals and trying to visualize them. I'm so excited about heavy lifting and high-intensity interval training, however, that I need to keep reminding myself that I'll have two children to care for and a job to work, not to mention the fact that I'll have a lot of healing to do and small steps to take before I'm ready to do deadlifts with a trainer.

Though I don't want to worry about the number on the scale so much before (or immediately after) delivery, that doesn't mean that I can't get started today, in some small way, to achieve my goal. This week, I've decided to focus on one small aspect of nutrition. I haven't been eating terribly well this pregnancy. I was horribly sick for the first several months, and I still am dealing with a number of food aversions. For instance, vegetables and I? We're sooooooo not friends. I haven't been eating nearly enough of them.

This week my goals are to:

1. Eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day (at least 2 different vegetables)
2. Take my vitamins (I've bee frightfully lax in this department, as well)

Are these goals earth-shattering? Of course not. But they are measurable and achievable and necessary to become the person I want to be, healthy and fit. Bonus? They're great for baby girl as well. Nothing says love like organic grapes, vitamins, and kale.


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