Monday, July 23, 2012

Week 1: 206.5 Pounds

Ok ok ok.

I get it.

I did not lose 11 pounds in one week.

Well...I did, but not because of anything that I did or didn't do.

I realize that my body is just adjusting to post babyness.

I get it.

But dayaaaaaaammmmmnnnnnnn!!! What a way to get started, yeah.

Clearly, I still look very, very pregnant.

But that's to be expected, yes? I had a baby 12 days ago. Had I given birth oh, say, 6 months ago, my big baby blubber belly would be a giant source of shame and disappointment. But 12 days after having a baby? I can deal with it.

So...things I'm doing right?

1. I'm focusing on my family and the new, sweet little edition that has joined us.

2. I'm drinking a shit ton of water. A shit. Ton.

3. I'm trying to eat lots of fruits, vegetables, grains, and other unprocessed, whole foods.

4. Because I can't eat dairy (Sweet Pea doesn't seem to like it in my breast milk), I can't really go out to eat or eat very unhealthily. My hand has been forced here.

5. I'm nursing. I hear that helps one lose weight. It didn't really work with my son, but I'll chose to believe things will be different this time. My optimism is bolstered by the fact that I weigh less today, 12 days after giving birth to my daughter, than I weighed one month after giving birth to my son.

6. I'm counting calories and tracking them on MyNetDiary.

7. Because I'm nursing and trying to enjoy my family, I'm not sweating every calorie I consume. If I'm hungry, I eat. If I go over my 1800 daily allotment, oh fucking well. I want energy. I want not to obsess about food. I want to make sure I'm getting enough to make plenty of milk for my Sweet Pea.

Things I'm doing wrong?


Not a one.

11 pounds down, 66.5 to go!

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